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Soche, M. (McKechnie Section 1)

An artist not previously recorded, known only from one silhouette in a private collection in Northern Ireland: a group of a father standing with his two sons, dated 1844. The figures are plainly cut, probably from black paper; the boys' white collars, and the tip of the father's shirt-collar, have been cut out and left white. The sitters' heels are abnormally small. It is not known whether the silhouette was cut freehand or by machine. The piece is signed 'M. Soche fecit 1844'.

Ills. 592, 593

Father and his two sons
Cut silhouette
Signed ‘M. Soche fecit 1844’. The boys’ costume is interesting; they are wearing frock-coats cut like their father’s, pantaloons and half-boots.


By courtesy of Sean McCaughley


Detail from the silhouette illustrated in 592, showing the signature of the artist, M. Soche.


By courtesy of Sean McCaughley