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Gilbert and Barnes (McKechnie Section 2)

Known to me from a profile of a man, dating possibly from the late 1820s, with this dual signature beneath the bust-line termination.

It is possible that the Barnes of this partnership was the Edward Barnes already listed in this Section. B. Gilbert (see Section One) may possibly have been the Gilbert of this concern, but he was an artist producing cut work some years later than the apparent date of the silhouette produced by Gilbert and Barnes. This example did not have the quality of the illustrated example of Edward Barnes' work. It was painted on card without gold paint, but with Chinese white added to the black pigment to show the shape of the hair and coat collar. Coarse fines of peeling gum arabic indicated the shape of the sleeve and folds of the coat of the period.

The example was inscribed in pencil beneath a long, sloping bust-line, ‘Gilbert and Barnes delin.’ .